Beberapa hari yang lalu, si rahmi tiba-tiba Blackberry Message (bbm)-in gw nyuruh gw ngeliat profile picture (PP) blackberry messanger-nya si cinta.. karena penasaran, langsung ajah gw liat deh contact-nya si cinta.. pas gw liat.. wewww.. ternyata PP-nya si cinta adalah kartu ucapan yang gw tulis buat dia dan wance (suaminya) waktu mereka nikah...
entah kenapa gw jadi terharuuuu bangeeett.... dan jadi inget lagi apa yang gw tulis buat mereka di hari pernikahan mereka (17 April 2011)....
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Cinta & Wanche Wedding Party |
Jadi gini ceritanya, setelah beberapa kali bingung mau kasih kado apa buat si Cinta dan Wanche, mulai dari lingerie (wkwkwkwkwk.. untung gak jadi), buku (entah buku apa), perabotan rumah tangga yang ga jelas.. akhirnya gw sama rahmi sepakat untuk beliin Cinta & Wanche sebuah liontin emas putih berbentuk 3 bintang...
(sayang gw gak foto dulu liontin itu... dan setelah gw cari-cari di internet, cuma ketemu gambar ini walaupun gak mirip juga - yang penting 3 bintang) :P
Nah, pas gw dan rahmi beli liontin itu, gw didaulat untuk menyimpan liontin itu plus bertugas menulis kartu ucapan sendiri (bagi-bagi tugas, soalnya jatah rahmi nulis kartu ucapan, adalah pas nikahannya Nisa) :P...
Setelah cari-cari referensi dari internet untuk ngisi kartu ucapan buat cinta, gw ngerasa kok kayaknya ada yang kurang kalo cuma copy paste doang..
Sambil gw liat-liat tuh liontin 3 bintang.. tiba-tiba dari otak gw terdengar bunyi "cling cling cling cling".. AHAAAA!!! gw dapet wangsit!!! gw akhirnya bikin draft ucapan itu di notes bb gw sebelum gw pindahin ke kartu ucapan...
Mungkin bisa jadi ide buat siapapun yang ingiin kasih ucapan pada saat nikahan sahabatnya...
Ini dia Wedding Message for Cinta & Wanche...
There always light, also dark.. Morning and noon also night..
Sometimes, yours just like morning or afternoon.. But you cannot ignore the night..
Then, when both of you are in the middle of the dark of night, do not forget that there is always a slightly light comes form STAR...
There is always a hope in the dark...
There is always a morning after night...
To Wanche...
When you see lots of stars in the sky.. You should thank to GOD coz you have a beautiful-kind-humble-a lil bit naughty-beloved star beside you that GOD has given to you...
Please take care, give happiness, and love her 'till you die...
To Tata...
When you see lots of stars in the sky.. You should thank to God coz you have a clever-smart-handsome=kind-humble-a lil bit shy-beloved man beside you that will always try to give you a lot of stars as much as you want...
Please take care, give happiness, and love him 'till you die...
To both of you...
Sometimes you cannot see the star in the night coz the clouds disturb your sight.. But you should remember that we are always here to support you!! Our beloved best friend....
So, here we give you 3 stars, as we hope 3 things for you...
1. Always love each other..
2. Always understand each other..
3. Always forgive each other..
Let love never leaves your house and happiness stays with you forever! Congratulations on your wedding! Let all your dreams come true and every minute be a feast!
with love,
Christa & Rahmi...
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